Christian Theology and the Dialogue with Islam

Die Dialogprozesse im Theologischen Forum und der Building Bridges Konferenz werden am 3.11.2023 in Bern diskutiert:

This symposium, in a hybrid format, will comprise an ecumenical, intra-Christian conversation. It will address questions and challenges raised for Christian theology and practice by dialogue with Muslims and examine issues about how Christian-Muslim dialogue is theorized and practised. Although primarily an intra-Christian conversation, the symposium will also include reflections by Muslim scholars about their experience of Christian-Muslim dialogue.

The symposium will offer an opportunity to learn from reflections and questions both from those who have organized and/or participated in two significant and long-running Christian-Muslim dialogue processes, namely Building Bridges and Theologisches Forum Christentum – Islam, and from Christian scholars with expertise in different theological disciplines.

This event also marks the end of Professor Douglas Pratt’s formal connection, since November 2011, as adjunct research
professor with the Institut für Christkatholische Theologie at the University of Bern.

His most recent book, Contemporary Christian-Muslim Dialogue: Two Twenty-First Century Initiatives (London: Routledge, 2021) is germane to the focus of the symposium. In his closing question of the future of the dialogue and what it means for theological reflection: the prospect of theology after dialogue.

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